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viernes, 29 de julio de 2011


Acá está un artículo que publicamos una profesora y mi persona.
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Este es el abstract:

Se reporta el caso de un paciente joven que presentó la recurrencia de un fibroma osificante periférico en maxilar superior, que a pesar de ser descrito en la mucosa gingival, éste se encontraba socavando una mediana cavidad en el hueso con rechazo de las raíces de los dientes vecinos. Se realizó la eliminación quirúrgica del mismo por medio de curetaje y se maneja una estrecha vigilancia postoperatoria
Para citarlo:

González MC, Grimaldo-Carjevschi M. FIBROMA OSIFICANTE PERIFÉRICO EN EL MAXILAR. ¿LESION REACTIVA O NEOPLASIA VERDADERA? REPORTE DE UN CASO. Acta Odontol Venez, 2010. 48;(3). Disponible en: http://www.actaodontologica.com/ediciones/2010/3/art11.asp


Acá podrán descargar uno de los artículos publicados en conjunto a quienes fueran mis profesoras durante la Maestría. Es un caso bien interesante y el abstract en Inglés es el siguiente:

Squamous cell carcinoma is a rare consequence of lupus erythematosus and it is generally
associated with skin lesions rather than with oral mucosa. This paper reports a patient diag-
nosed with systemic lupus erythematosus who developed a squamous cell carcinoma on the
palate as an outcome of a persistent ulcer, a frequent lesion in patients with this disease and, in
fact, clinical criterion for its diagnosis. A 38-year-old female patient diagnosed with systemic
lupus erythematosus 12 years previously, who attended the dental school for routine dental
control. The patient was being treated with prednisone 10 mg per day and cyclophosphamide
750 mg per month until 10 months prior to her diagnostic biopsy. She had, however, been
previously treated with chloroquine. Oral lesions started 6 months before consultation as
symptomatic  multiple  ulcers  on  the  palate.  After  topical  treatment  with  steroids  for
1 month, the lesions regressed except for the central lesion, from which an incisional biopsy
was taken and a well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed. The oncological
phase consisted of partial palatectomy. To date, 3 years after surgery, the patient is free from
malignant  lesions.  Lupus  erythematosus  is  considered  a  potentially  malignant  disorder,
although the cause for neoplasic transformation in these patients is still not clear, but cyclo-
phosphamide consumption may be implicated; the case emphasizes the importance of period-
ical oral evaluation of such patients. Repeated biopsies should be performed if there is failure
to respond to conventional therapy.

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Para citar el artículo:

Grimaldo-Carjevschi M, López-Labady J & Villarroel-Dorrego M. Squamous cell carcinoma on the palate in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus: case report and review of literature. Lupus, 2011. 20:519–22.